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Meet Our Online Instructors

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Founder and CEO of the Ben McLean Campaigns Limited, Provost of Alpha Institute of Leadership Development and Ministry, and International Academic Chair and Regional Director of Regency 

School of Ministry and Missions – Ontario Canada. A dedicated pastor for over 30 years, and a vocational instructor at the secondary education level for 20 years. Dr. Ben is a church developer and trainer, worship coach, strategic organizer, and international speaker. He earns his Bachelor of Theology at Regency School of Ministry and Missions, Canada, and his Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology at Covenant School of Ministry and Divinity,

Philippines. He manages this online training for Regency and Covenant in the English speaking

speaking North and South America, while leading Alpha.

Contact Email:   

Rev. Dr. Herbert "Ben" McLean

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Founder, President and International Director of Covenant School of Ministry and Divinity –the training arm of Covenant Global Inc., U.S.A. The school is headquartered in Socorro, Oriental, Mindoro Philippines. Dr. Joel’s heart's desire is to glorify Jesus Christ as he provides training for five- fold ministry 

church leaders for dynamic fruitful service and  expansion of the Kingdom of God, and help to bring the Body of Christ into divine unity.


Contact Email:

Dr. Joel Mancio

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Founder and President of Prophet Bernard Ministries, Dr. Bernard functions in the prophetic grouping of gifts. An ordained pastor, he has served  in various areas of Christian ministry for over 20 years. Dr. Bernard is a teacher and trainer of five- fold ministry 

Church leaders in spiritual warfare, deliverance, and the prophetic.  He has authored a number of books including ‘10 Times Better.’  He earned his Bachelor of Divinity at Christian Leaders Institute, USA, and his Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology at Covenant School of Ministry and Divinity, Philippines.

His concentration is training church leaders in spiritual warfare, deliverance, and the prophetic



Contact Email:

Prophet Dr. Bernard Deslandes

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Founder, President and International Director of Regency School of Ministry and Missions. She and her husband Rev. Dr. Syd Taekema, spent 20 years in Latin America on missions; which gave birth to this end-time 5-fold online training Institution.


She has developed an undergraduate training program in Bible and theology that has trained millennial church leaders in many parts  of Africa, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and North America.


Contact: Dr. Tere and Solange Barbieri, (Secretary)


Dr. Tere Taekema


Rev. Dr. Millicent McLean

is a member of the International Academic Board of

Regency School of Ministry and Missions. She has Worked along-side her husband, Dr. Ben, in Christian ministry for decades.   Dr. Millicent also worked in the secondary school  education of Jamaica for 36 years as English and Social Study teacher. She advises the Christian Counseling  and Communications faculties

of Alpha ILDM.  Dr. Millicent earns a BA General in Guidance and Counseling at the Jamaica Theological Seminary, and her Masters of Theology and Doctor of Theology at Covenant School of Ministry And Divinity, Philippines.


Contact Email:

Rev. Dr. Millicent McLean

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Ms. Thomas joins our team of trainers bringing with her nearly 30 years of office administration and management experience in both the private and non- profit sectors. She has over 25 years of experience in church management; having held several offices and leadership positions in various church and para-church organizations. She is currently pursuing a Masters of Theology, and a Ph.D in Christian Management and Leadership at the Trinity College of the Bible & Theological Seminary in Indiana, USA.  She holds a Masters Degree in Non-profit  Management from Oral Roberts University,

Tulsa, OK, USA, and a BSc. in Administrative Management from CAST (now University of

Technology, Jamaica). Her concentration is training church leaders in Christian  Management,

Administration and Leadership.


Contact Email:

Rev. Nadine A. Thomas, M.Mgt

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A Director of the Ben McLean Campaigns, Vice-

Provost and Student Dean of Alpha Institute of 

Leadership Development and Ministry, Pastor Mary comes to us with over 30 years in the classroom as English & Social Studies teacher, and Dean of Discipline, as well as over 20 years as an  intercessor in her Country of birth - St. Lucia; both on campuses and in the church. She earns a BSc. In Education at the University of the West Indies and a Masters in Educational Leadership from Lynchburg College, Virginia USA. Pastor Mary is presently pursuing a Master of Theology, and a Doctor of Theology at Covenant. She concentrates on assisting in the management of the program in a major way while training church leaders in communications and Christian Counselling.


Contact Email:

Pastor D. Mary Charles, M.Ed

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